Getting to know Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu

Deciding to have a surgery is an inside-journey, you have enough reasons to take this journey with Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu thinks medicine as art. He forms all his work with an artistic touch by communicating with his patients, his interest in any question and problem before and after the surgery and by his vision of a natural effect at the end of the operation.

Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu has mastered and focused on only one part of the human body through his education and scientifical researches, the face. He only practices face related plastic surgeries. As a conclusion of that he is honourned by the Health Ministry of the Republic of Turkey through the ‘’Specialty in Facial Surgery’’ certificate.

His experience with facial surgery and medicine is a whole other subject and it is very important in the art of facial surgery as it is in every handicraft. Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu has completed his study in medicine by taking classes of experts who are Turkish and foreign, known as the best experts of their profession, at the foremost clinics of the world.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu is the first chosen and selected Official Fellow of the European Facial Plastic Surgery Association (the expert who practiced Advanced Specialization).

As we know, there are constantly improvements in medical field and Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu contributes to those improvements. There are six different medical and surgical techniques, published in the World’s most respected medical magazines, that found/applied/described by Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu. He has achieved to win many degrees and awards as a conclusion of his successful scientifical researches.

After he finished his education on Specialty of Otolaryngology/ Head and Neck , his scientifical researches appreciated. He continued his scientifical researches in college and he became qualified as the ‘’Associate Professor’’ in October,2015.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu,who closely follows the newest surgical improvements in Nasal and Facial Surgery, gets invited to international conferences and congresses , that takes places in different countries , every year.

He is an instructor in Facial Plastic Surgery School. Facial Plastic Surgery School gives classes to 10 to 15 medical experts, in subjects such as Facial Plastic Surgery, Facial Lifting, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Skin Tumors, Flaps and Grafts, Eyelid Surgery, Chin Surgery.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu’s correctional nasal surgeries are highly above the standarts. In correctional nasal surgeries, it can be necessary to take off the rib or the ear cartilage and these operations usually take more time, experience and scheduling than the primary surgery.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu is the member and board member of the Facial Plastic Surgery Association.

‘’Natural look’’ is the primary concept for Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu and he plans his work in surgeries through this concept, the face and the general appearance of the patient. ‘’If there are 7 billion people on Earth, there should be 7 billion different noses.’’ is his motto.
The health of his patient is the most important thing for Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu. He is bonded to his Hippocratic oath that demends doctors to protect the health of the people before anything else.

Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu is involved with the process, before and after the surgery. He supports his patients and follows the healing process and after closely. Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu motivates and supports his new patients to talk to his patients who have been through the surgery and to get information about the process. Briefly, Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu is a scientifical, an ethical expert and he is an expert who sees his job as art and practices his specialty with his motto ‘’People first!’’

In medical and surgical field, theorical knowledge and experience is highly important. Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu is the only specialist who achieved to get the degree in ‘’European Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery Board Test ‘’ in Turkey.
He is one of the three experts in Turkey who achieved to get the Degree of International Facial Plastic Surgery Specialty through the test that takes place in United States of America.