Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty in Turkey

A piezo rhinoplasty, or ultrasonic rhinoplasty, reshapes the nasal bones but avoids the traditional hammer and chisel technique, providing more precision and reducing trauma and soft tissue damage.

What is Piezo Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?

Piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a modern technique that modifies the internal structures of the nose without harming surrounding skin and soft tissue. It utilizes a Piezotome, which is a specialized instrument that transmits ultrasonic waves directly to the bone to reshape the nose.

This form of rhinoplasty doesn’t require a hammer and chisel which are a more forceful method of reshaping the nose and can fracture the bone. With the Piezo rhinoplasty technique, ultrasound energy is transmitted specifically to the bone, and sculpting tools are then used to reshape the bone. Piezo rhinoplasty can treat a crooked nose, disproportionate asymmetry, a hump on the nasal bridge, an overly large or wide nose, and other concerns.

Benefits of Piezo Rhinoplasty

This revolutionary rhinoplasty procedure has many benefits, including the following:

  • A more gentle technique than traditional rhinoplasty techniques
  • Allows far greater surgical precision during nose reshaping
  • Results in less swelling and bruising
  • No risk of bone splintering or inadvertent fracturesIn some cases, eliminates the need to break nasal bones
  • Narrows the nasal bridge and reduces dorsal humps with extreme precision
  • Selectively acts on bones or hard cartilage, leaving the surrounding soft tissues untouched
  • Requires minimal trauma and causes less bruising
  • Lower risk of surgical bleeding
  • Faster, easier recovery time
  • Minimizes swelling
  • Supports bone regeneration
  • Achieves more natural-looking results

Who is a Candidate for Piezo Rhinoplasty?

Patients who require all types of nose reshaping or reduction, or other major changes to their nose to provide symmetry, address a deviated septum, and more, are likely candidates for Piezo rhinoplasty. However, Piezo rhinoplasty is not suitable for nasal tip and cartilage adjustments. Ideal candidates meet the following requirements:

  • Are generally in good health and have no major medical concerns
  • Do not smoke or can quit for a minimum of two months
  • Have realistic goals and expectations about what this procedure can achieve

What Happens During the Procedure?

During Piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty, we begin with general anesthesia. Once this has taken effect, incisions are made across the piece of skin between your nostrils (the columella). Depending on your aesthetic needs, additional incisions may be placed on the floor of your nostrils.

The Piezo motorized device is then used to make precise, step-by-step changes in your nose. Vibrations from crystals are transmitted to small, specially shaped tips that can cut, sculpt, and smooth away bone without breaking or fracturing it. Assoc. Prof. Gurkan Kayabasoglu uses this method to more accurately sculpt, shape, and target specific areas of the nose without injuring soft tissues. Once the reshaping and sculpting process is complete, Dr. Nassif will close the incisions precisely to create minimal scarring.


Because the technique is so innovative, swelling and bruising are significantly reduced. A nasal splint is needed in the same way that a typical rhinoplasty requires during the healing period. This splint is removed within approximately one week, which is the most acute part of the recovery period. When the splint is removed, the majority of patients discover minimal bruising.

At this point, many patients return to sedentary work. Be sure to refrain from any physical exercise or strenuous activities for six weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks of Piezo rhinoplasty?
All nose surgeries include some risks, which include bleeding, infection, and scarring. Because Piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty is less invasive than traditional rhinoplasty, the risks are greatly reduced.

When can I return to work after Piezo rhinoplasty?
Most patients return to sedentary work within 1-2 weeks, depending on when they feel ready.

When can I exercise again after Piezo rhinoplasty?
Strenuous or contact activities should wait for six weeks.

How long does Piezo rhinoplasty surgery take?
Piezo Rhinoplasty generally takes between 2-2.5 hours.

Is Piezo rhinoplasty less painful?
Yes, because Piezo rhinoplasty causes less trauma to the soft tissue surrounding the bone, there is less post-operative pain and discomfort.

Where are the scars after Piezo rhinoplasty?
Incisions are made between your nostrils (the columella), and in some cases, also on the floor of your nostrils. Initially, the scars will be red and raised. As healing continues, they will become nearly invisible.

About Assoc. Prof.
Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu

Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu attaches great importance to the principle of “Health first”. He strictly adheres to the Hippocratic Oath, which advises a physician to, above all else, protect the basic health of his patients.

Gürkan Kayabaşoğlu has concentrated all his education and scientific studies on only one part of the human body, namely the face. He only performs surgeries on the facial area. For this reason, he was given the “Oral, Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery” Specialization Diploma by the Ministry of Health.

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